Birth Chart Compatibility & Vedic Synastry Reading
Self-Awareness Astrology Compatibility
Our Birth Chart Readings (which emphasize self-awareness) are an important part of how we work with those whose relationship anxieties are restricting their personal growth.
Personalized Birth Charts & Astrology Compatibility:
Beyond the “Synastry Report” (& General Compatibility Based on Sun Signs or Zodiac Signs)
Improving the quality of your most intimate relationships might be the most difficult thing that you ever do. Why? Because improving the quality of your relationships requires that you open up to experiencing some of the most challenging aspects of yourself (and that you relate to a partner who may not ready/willing to be vulnerable when you are).
Your most intimate relationships are subject to the anxieties and compulsions of your instinctive self. In fact, your instinctive self affects your capacity for connection in all of your relationships (not just so-called “love” relationships).
You may very well recognize your past relationship mistakes and try to actively and consciously avoid them. Similarly, you may very well recognize the importance of (and try to create/strengthen) such aspects as commitment, communication, trust, emotional intelligence, paying attention to each other, eye contact, etc.. However, trying to actively make yourself do any of these things is rarely successful. Our instinctive self is often much too strong—it arrives on the scene before we get there, so to speak, especially in times of relationship conflict—and we’re left regretting our actions again. We might even blame the other person (or look for more relationship advice) instead of develop self awareness and finally look at our own (habitual) selves and self-sabotaging behaviors in relationships.
The importance of self awareness in relationships is profound. In times of relationship conflict, if the instinctive self arrives before our conscious self (like it usually does), the constructiveness of our conversation (and the life of our relationship) is determined by our automatic thoughts, feelings, and behaviors (e.g., compulsions, anxieties, triggers, desires, etc.).
But change doesn’t require magic. It requires awareness of our situation and of our instinctive, habitual, “pre-reflective” self. Our habitual self will continue to run our lives—for better or for worse—unless we become more aware of it. Becoming aware of it doesn’t mean destroying it, but rather being open to it and being able to sit with it without running to a destructive habit (to avoid the discomfort of looking at aspects of ourselves we’d rather repress). The more we become aware of our habitual self, the less we remain imprisoned by it, and the more we are able to follow our inspirations (the things we “love” or about which we are abundantly curious) without the fear, doubt, insecurity, and self-sabotaging behavior.
A birth chart compatibility and synastry reading should tell you if this habitual, instinctive self is “compatible” (however this is defined).
Your most intimate relationships are subject to the anxieties and compulsions of your instinctive self. In fact, your instinctive self affects your capacity for connection in all of your relationships (not just so-called “love” relationships).
Birth Chart / Relationship Compatibility & Synastry Chart Astrology
A Vedic Self Awareness & Self Acceptance Approach That Studies Each Partner Individually (Before Analyzing Aspects of the Relationship)
In traditional Vedic astrology (called jyotiṣa or sometimes Hindu astrology), astrological compatibility analysis—called kundli milan [kuṇḍlī milān], which means something like “horoscope matching” or horoscope compatibility—emphasizes two factors: ashta kuta [aṣṭa kūta] and kuja dosha [kuja doṣa]. Ashta kuta is based on the position of moon in what are called “lunar mansions” nakshatra [nakṣatra] (sometimes called a “birth star”), which is something like a zodiac based on 27 or 28 signs established around prominent stars. This calculation can be repeated with other planets (such as the planet Venus) in order to analyze different domains of one’s relationship. Kuja dosha is based on one’s Mars sign (and the placement of the planet Mars relative to other chart elements).
This traditional relationship astrology analysis is generally sought for a straightforward prediction about the longevity of a prospective relationship. In other words, the question being asked is essentially, “will this relationship last [forever]?” Perhaps implied in this question is another question: “will we be happy?” or even something like, “will there be “love”? And always implied is the question, “will I be happy?” The question almost never implied is, “what can I change about myself to deepen my own capacity for happiness in relationships?” Or, similarly, “what am I already doing to get in the way of my own happiness? How am I sabotaging myself in my relationships?”
Contemporary approaches to relationship compatibility (romantic/love relationships or otherwise) continue to focus on the life of the relationship rather than the life of each individual. Balrāj emphasizes the life of the individual and addressing individuals before addressing the couple; he emphasizes self-awareness, mutual understanding, and shared values. He wants you to learn how to be more self aware in (and before) a committed relationship with someone. He wants you to become more self-connected and address the life questions that are always seemingly in the background, defining your experience. You cannot control your partner’s will (and you cannot control how much self awareness someone has vis-a-vis their relationships); the good news is that developing self awareness is something that is entirely in your control. This is the first step to robust “horoscope matching/meeting” [kuṇḍlī milān].
In addition to using traditional moon-based chart interpretations, Balrāj’s spiritual-psychological approach to astrology adds other (overlooked) classical Vedic astrology compatibility methods and a unique evaluations of compatibility based on comparing each partner’s entire birth chart—not just the position of the Moon and Mars—and also includes an evaluation based on the sun and planets that are not commonly evaluated. This approach provides rich insight into the spiritual-psychological dynamics of a relationship.
Balrāj also analyses the relationship by examining both a “synastry chart” and a “composite chart”. A synastry chart is made by overlaying the birth chart of each partner onto one another and interpreting this combined chart as a single, “synastry” chart. Synastry chart interpretation involves examining the relationships between planets in one partner’s chart and the other partner’s chart. A synastry chart provides further insight into the compatibility of individuals’ instinctive selves. A composite chart is something like a merging of the two birth charts; it involves creating a new chart based on the based on the mid-points between planets on each partner’s personal chart. For example, the mid-point between one partner’s Sun and the other partner’s Sun is the composite Sun. (This is done for each planet until a new chart is created.)
What makes Balrāj’s approach to interpreting synastry and composite charts unique is in his interpretation, which is based on a spiritual-psychological principles. Balrāj emphasizes inner clarity, self-awareness, and freedom (and not solving the ego’s problems). In fact, because of how he interprets both synastry charts and natal charts, his method could readily be called a kind a “spiritual-psychological Vedic synastry”. This type of reading is not at all similar to a generic, programmed report (such as a compatibility report or synastry report) or any a kind of generic report based on birth dates or zodiac signs (e.g., sun sign, moon sign, rising sign, Venus sign, Mars sign, etc.), any kind of “love compatibility” (or synastry), and exceeds an analysis of any specific types of compatibility/synastry: physical compatibility, financial compatibility, spiritual compatibility, intellectual compatibility, etc. This kind of synastry chart and composite chart interpretation is interpreted in order to produce self-awareness. Balrāj does not analyze relationship compatibility (and/or the the synastry chart or composite chart) in order to predict the longevity of a relationship.
Compatibility and synastry chart interpretations based on these additional methods could provide enough information to warrant its own reading, but no such compatibility reading (and certainly no compatibility report) could replace the insights gained using a self-awareness approach. It’s easier to continue to avoid ourselves and instead attempt to fix something outside of ourselves, like our relationship or even our partner (whom we often feel is the problem, perhaps because, we believe, they are the ones lacking self awareness).
Most importantly, however, while it may not seem like it, your individual fulfillment exceeds the success/failure of any one of your relationships. A healthy relationship requires a kind of openness and vulnerability. Conflict in our most intimate relationships often reveals parts of ourselves we spend much of our time and resources trying to avoid. And this relationship with these parts of ourselves are affecting every area of life: our deepest fulfillment is tangled up in the emotions connected to the things that we avoid.
In our readings, we address each individual’s capacities, challenges, and their paths to freedom, fulfillment, and meaningful living. These readings are, first and foremost, about inner clarity—self-awareness—and then (and only then) are they about relationship awareness. This approach to astrological relationship compatibility emphasizes the way(s) in which each partner’s own individual struggles affect their relationship. This approach acknowledges the in-finite importance of our individuality, but also of self awareness/understanding and self-acceptance or self-compassion. Self-connection is what allows one to ask the most genuine questions (and to stop asking the wrong ones).
It is only after each partner is aware of their own unconscious dynamics that Balrāj can discuss the unconscious dynamics and vulnerabilities of their relationship (because each partner is able to see how, where, and in what ways each partner can get more out of all of their relationships with people).
This is not a report. This is a live reading intended for those inquiring about a serious relationship (romantic/love or otherwise), though it is not designed for both partners; only one partner should attend.
BIRTH TIME REQUIREMENT & LOCATION PREFERENCE: your birth information—your date of birth, birth location, and your birth time (accurate within five minutes)—is a requirement for each person in the couple because a separate a birth chart calculation is required for each partner in order to carry out synastry and compatibility readings. If you are not sure if your birth time is accurate enough, please let us know before scheduling. Your precise birth location (e.g., place of birth or birth hospital) is preferred since we enter coordinates manually. After scheduling, we will review the birth details that you provide and contact you to confirm their accuracy.
birth chart compatibility & synastry reading
Adopt a self-awareness approach to all relationships (not just romantic/love relationships).
Learn how being your true, authentic self is best way to find a partner.
Understand the unconscious dynamics of your relationship (romantic/love or otherwise).
Feel deeply seen; allow yourself to forgive/accept yourself.
Stop asking the wrong questions; experience choice & empowerment.
3 hours
conditions & policies
effective January 2023
All astrology consultations (including compatibility, synastry, composite, and birth chart readings) are conducted in English.
Any/all information provided to you in your horoscope/astrological compatibility and composite/synastry chart analysis is intended as guidance. Each client retains the right to use this information/guidance at their own discretion, and remains fully responsible for their decisions/actions. Balrāj is a yogin, stress management and personal development coach, meditation teacher, professional astrologer and certified hypnotist. He does not provide therapy or counselling and is not a therapist, counsellor, and/or mental health professional.
All data provided to Balrāj (including your personal information) for your compatibility/synastry/composite and/or birth chart reading is strictly confidential, and will not be shared with or sold to any third party, unless required by law.
Though you will not be charged a fee to cancel/re-schedule your synastry/compatibility consultation, we kindly request that appointments be cancelled/re-scheduled 48 hours in advance. If you re-schedule your compatibility/synastry consultation, please note that you may be required to wait several weeks/months for a new appointment. Please be mindful of your time zone when scheduling your compatibility/synastry consultation.
Due to the duration of preparation involved in each birth chart reading and relationship compatibility/synastry analysis, refunds will not be given unless Balrāj is ultimately unable to deliver your compatibility/synastry chart reading (“compatibility horoscope”).
While Balrāj does use a computer program to calculate your chart (the position of each planet in a sign, as well as sign calculations, each nakṣatra or moon sign and the position of each planet therein, etc.), he does not base your horoscope compatibility on the readout of a horoscope compatibility calculator; in other words, he does not upload charts to a horoscope compatibility calculator or “love match” horoscope calculator and deliver the interpretations of paid or free reports based on such a calculator. His analysis of the horoscope (or astrology chart) of each person (and of the relationship) is based on his own research/analysis.
Balrāj analyses the entire natal chart; this is not compatibility based on zodiac signs (which generally means sun signs) or even one’s moon sign or rising sign. Balrāj considers compatibility based solely on individual zodiac signs (or sun signs) to be incomplete. In fact, Vedic relationship compatibility analyses no consider sun signs to be as important one’s moon sign (and even uses something like lunar zodiac signs).
Balrāj uses the principles of Vedic Spiritual-Psychological Astrology to interpret your natal chart. This is not a psychic, numerology or tarot reading. As stated above, Balrāj emphasizes self-awareness in his horoscope reading and does not make predictions about your future of any kind (including predictions for the upcoming year, called a varṣaphala chart solar return). This applies to the interpretation of your individual horoscope and composite and synastry chart. Vedic Spiritual-Psychological birth chart compatibility readings and birth chart synastry/composite readings are not interpreted for the purpose of making predictions. Horoscope compatibility/synastry/composite are also not intended to deliver synastry strengths and synastry weaknesses of your relationship. Rather, horoscope compatibility/synastry/composite readings are done for the purpose of self-awareness, of identifying elements of the instinctive self of each partner and the compatibility/synastry there between.